Field Survey App Attributes and Rationale

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The basic principles of fish passage remediation

  1. Provide complex flows – non laminar
  2. Provide sufficient depth
  3. Ensure continuity – no overhangs
  4. Give fish a range of choices

General rules.

  1. Rope should not be used in culverts if baffles can be fitted – even if just climbing species are targeted.
  2. Ramps should include wetted margins.
  3. Ramps should include substrate e.g. rope.
  4. Baffles should be spaced so that the rest pool from one extends easily up to the next.
  5. If rope is fitted through a culvert that is also perched by more than 300mm, then a second set of rope should be fitted at the outlet.

Output = Current Status

This is used for single span bridges or where there is no structure present but you want to record your visit.

It may also be used when access is difficult and will require further investigation at a later date.

The Quick Survey may not collect enough information to determine if the structure is a barrier to fish.

Used to capture all of the necessary attributes to describe the structure and to determine if the structure is a barrier to fish.

The Full Survey also collects other attributes that help with understanding the structure and immediate environment.

If fitted, fish passes are described as part of the full survey.

Used for structures that have already had the initial survey and need ongoing monitoring.

The Monitoring Survey also asks for a description of the fish pass and whether it requires maintenance.

The structure condition is also described to help with overall asset management.

Apart from “User Name” “Survey Type” and “Type of Structure” none of the questions are compulsory and you can move to the next screen by just clicking “Next”.

If you are unable to complete a question this may impact on the outputs when sorting data.

These attributes are automatically collected on all surveys when you press “Save”:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Altitude
  • Device ID

Quick Survey

Initial SurveyRATIONALE
User_IDPerson collecting data
New_User_IDNew person not on list
Structure_Markerroad marker if any
Type_Of_StructureStructure type
Commentsinformation not covered above

Full Survey

Initial SurveyRATIONALE
User_IDPerson collecting data
Structure_Markerroad marker if any
Type_Of_StructureStructure type
Pipe_Formatage/quality – old non-socketed pipes become misaligned. Some councils have a program for replacement
Diameter_mmRound culvertsCapacity, access
Thickness_mmload bearing, fixings for mitigation
Culvert_Width_mmbox culverts, capacity assess
Culvert_Height_mmbox culverts, capacity assess
Length_Of_Bridge_mStream width. Risk management
Height_Of_Structure_mFish Barrier, Engineering, Risk management
Depth_Of_Cover_mmEngineering, risk management
Gradient_Av_RatioFish Barrier, hydrology
Gradient_Max_RatioFish Barrier, hydrology
Structure_MaterialLife expectancy, type of fixings for mitigation
Upstream_WaterwayHydrology, habitat
Upstream_AddOnsAsset management, fish barrier
Stream_Bed_MaterialGeology, habitat
Length_Of_Culvert_MFish barrier, access
BlockageAsset management
Max_Length_Without_Bed_Material_MFish barrier. Indicates velocity barrier
Structure_ConditionAsset management. (RAMM protocol)
Culvert_Perch_Height_mmFish barrier
Culvert_Undercut_mmFish barrier
TidalHydrology, habitat
Tidemark_mmHydrology, habitat
Flow_Rate_l_per_secHydrology, habitat. Used to calculate Flow Rate. Also refer to culvert shape. Note round culvert with substrate may be treated as flat bottom (box)
Av_Velocity_M/secFish Barrier, hydrology. Used with average depth and wetted width to calculate Flow Rate
Wetted_Width_Outlet_mmFish Barrier, hydrology. Used with average depth and wetted width to calculate Flow Rate. Remediation
Downstream_AddOnsAsset management, fish barrier
Water_State_Outside_StructureHydrology, habitat
Water state inside structureFish barrier, remediation
Depth_Of_Water_Inside_Culvert_mmHydrology, habitat, remediation
Water_Exits_Culvert_IntoHydrology, habitat, remediation
Fish_Pass_FittedFish barrier
Downstream_WaterwayHydrology, habitat
Commentsinformation not covered above

Monitoring Survey

Initial SurveyRATIONALE
User_IDPerson collecting data
New_User_IDNew person not on list
Structure_Markerroad marker if any
Type_Of_StructureStructure type
Fish_Pass_FittedFish barrier
Fish Passage IDLocation
Fish_Pass_DescDescribe fish pass
Structure_ConditionAsset management. (RAMM protocol)
Culvert_Perch_Height_mmFish barrier
Max_Length_Without_Bed_Material_MFish barrier. Indicates velocity barrier
Commentsinformation not covered above