The wonderful volunteers at Matuku Link and the Whitebait Connection Auckland team put their heads together and decided to fix a fish passage barrier on one of the Matuku Link walking tracks.
The culprit… a 900mm concrete culvert with large perch and undercut.
Fish surveys by WBC found Banded Kōkopu below the culvert but not above.
Riffle Restoration (Jordan MacDonald, Whangārei) was contracted to fix the perch with rubber ramp and mussel-rope combo, connecting the flow with the pool downstream of the culvert.
Flexi-Baffles were also installed inside the culvert barrel to create complex flows, increase water depth and create resting pools.
A great day was had all round and WBC and Matuku Link will continue with ongoing monitoring . If you have a small business, is important that you invest in digital marketing services for small business.