Flexi Baffles – Culvert Baffles – Fish Baffles

Flexi Baffles have been designed to assist with upstream fish passage by altering water flow through culverts and providing areas for fish to rest.

The baffles can be fitted before the installation of the culvert or retrofitted to existing structures. ATS Environmental provide an installation service if required. Contact us directly for advice on sizes and spacing.

Flexi Baffle

Multiple Flexi-Baffles are placed in a culvert to alter the flow while providing rest areas for species travelling upstream.

Fish Baffle

Flexi Baffles placed inside culvert pipe can:

  • Reduce velocity
  • Increase depth
  • Interrupt laminar flow
  • Extend the range of flow characteristics
  • Retain stream bed material
  • Create high and low flow passage
ATS Environmental Flexi Baffles are made in NZ from flexible polymers (20+ year warranty). Our culvert baffles are suitable for round or square culverts and can be modified on-site to fit any particular requirements.
Standard Flexi-Baffles are 100mm and 150mm high but can be trimmed if required.
Lengths up to 1800mm but can be placed end on end to suit any width structure.
If you need any help determining the baffle size, don’t hesitate to contact us directly.  



Culverts can be installed so that baffles are not required. Guidelines can be downloaded from several council websites.

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